School violence
According to the U.S. National Center for Education Statistics, school violence is a serious problem. In the 12 months antedating the survey, 7.8% of high school students reported having been threatened or injured with a weapon on school property at least once. In the 12 months antedating the survey, 12.4% of students had been in a physical fight on school property at least once. 5.5% of students reported that because they did not feel safe, they did not go to school on at least one day.
The most recent U.S. data on violent crime in which teachers were targeted indicate that 7 percent (10 percent in urban schools) of teachers in 2003 were subject to threats of injury by students. Five percent of teachers in urban schools were physically attacked, with smaller percentages in suburban and rural schools. Other members of school staffs are also at risk for violent attack.
Acordando con los estados unidos de América, la violencia en las escuelas es un problema grave. En 12 meses anterior a la encuesta, 7.8% de los estudiantes de bachillerato reportaron que habían tenido problemas o habían sido lesionados con un arma en el colegio, al menos una vez. En 12 meses anterior a otra encuesta 12.4% de estudiantes habían estado en una pelea física en el colegio, por lo menos una vez. 5.5% de los estudiantes reportaron que no fueron a el colegio, por lo menos un día, porque no se sentían seguro.
La data mas reciente en estados unidos sobre violencia criminal dice que los profesores fueron etiquetados indicando que 7 por ciento (10 por ciento en los colegios públicos) de profesores en el 2003 fueron sujeto a amenazas para ser lesionados por los estudiantes. 5% de profesores en colegios urbanos fueron atacados físicamente, con menores porcentajes en colegios rurales y colegios. Otros miembros del colegio como obreros también están a riesgo de ataques violentos.
Idea principal:
Lo grave de la violencia escolar en estados unidos
3 oraciones:
1.- . According to the U.S. National Center for Education Statistics, school violence is a serious problem.
Frase nominal: U.S. National Center for Education Statistics (nucleo)
Pre modificador: the
Post modificador: doesn’t have one
Verbo: is
2.- Other members of school staffs are also at risk for violent attack.
Frase nominal: members(nucleo)
Pre modificador: other
Post modificador: doesnt have one
Verbo: are
3.- Percent of teachers in urban schools were physically attacked, with smaller percentages in suburban and rural schools.
Frase nominal: percent (nucleo)
Pre – post: doesnt have one
Verbo: were, attacked (past)
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